Coach Resources
This resource page is intended to provide you with turnkey lessons and to help you navigate some of the expectations of being a coach. While your own experience as an educator and knowledge of your students will serve you incredibly well, the ideas included here provide great starting points for running your team and planning your practices.
The resources available here represent years of collective wisdom of debate coaches here in Boston and around the country. That said, feel free to make modifications to the ideas as you see fit and please let other coaches and your program manager know when you have new ideas that have worked. The more strategies are tested and shared, the stronger the league will be as a whole. Thanks again for taking on your school’s debate squad. The BDL staff is here to help you be the best coach you can be, so please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or suggestions.
Our Coaches
The driving force behind our work. Our vision cannot be realized without your commitment to debate and the work that you do.
We thank you for your continued effort and hard-work. We look forward to collaborating with you and supporting you throughout the season.

Policy Debate